Tealight Sampler Sets

Keap's 'Scent-to-Home' Includes Four Small Candles of Different Scents

In order to make it easy for consumers to discover the many scented candles that it produces, Keap developed the 'Scent-to-Home' kit.

This "discovery set" includes four candles that come in four signature scents from the brand: Wood Cabin, Waves, Green Market and Hot Springs. Since these candles come in small tealight sizes, they only burn for a few hours at a time, giving consumers the chance to test out which ones they prefer the best.

Best of all, when a consumer has decided which fragrant candle is their favorite, they are able to use the $15 discount included in the Scent-to-Home box and put it towards the purchase of a full-sized candle or a candle subscription service from Keap.
Trend Themes
1. Discovery Sets - Developing sample sets or discovery kits allows consumers to easily explore and experience a variety of product offerings.
2. Tealight Candles - Utilizing small tealight sizes offers consumers the opportunity to test different scents without committing to a full-sized candle.
3. Scent-to-home Kits - Creating convenient kits that provide a selection of scents for consumers to try in their own homes enhances the overall discovery and purchase experience.
Industry Implications
1. Candle Manufacturing - Incorporating sample sets and tealight sizes opens doors for candle manufacturers to attract new customers and showcase the variety of scents they offer.
2. Subscription Services - By offering discounts or incentives within sample kits, subscription services can entice consumers to sign up for ongoing candle deliveries and build long-term customer relationships.
3. E-commerce - Implementing scent exploration kits online allows e-commerce platforms to tap into the growing consumer demand for trying products before committing to larger purchases.

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