Vibrant Non-Alcoholic Wine Labels

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Kally Wines Boast New Labels for Its Non-alcoholic Beverages

What Else Studio revamped Kally Wines, a non-alcoholic beverage company, with lively new packaging. The labels, resembling blossoming flowers, bring an exciting and fun aesthetic to the youthful wine company. Available in orange, red, and white, the labels match the wine colors, creating visual joy for all to enjoy. The new identity was released alongside a photoshoot which positions the wine alternative as a youthful and vibrant selection, speaking to the growing market of sober curious individuals.

For wines, a strong identity is crucial, helping consumers remember and connect with the product. What Else Studio's work for Kally Wines showcases their ability to create a visually appealing and memorable brand, enhancing the overall experience for users.
Trend Themes
1. Vibrant Packaging - What Else Studio revamped Kally Wines with lively new packaging resembling blossoming flowers, creating visual joy for all to enjoy.
2. Youthful Branding - The new labels and photoshoot position Kally Wines as a youthful and vibrant wine alternative, speaking to the growing market of sober curious individuals.
3. Memorable Identity - The visually appealing and memorable brand created by What Else Studio enhances the overall experience for users, helping consumers remember and connect with the product.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage - What Else Studio's vibrant packaging for Kally Wines brings an exciting and fun aesthetic to the non-alcoholic beverage company, appealing to consumers.
2. Wine - The new labels for Kally Wines create a strong identity for the wine company, helping consumers remember and connect with the product.
3. Design - What Else Studio's work for Kally Wines showcases their ability to create visually appealing and memorable brands, enhancing the overall experience for users.

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