Empowering Browser Extensions

The 'Just Not Sorry' Chrome Plugin Makes Women Sound More Confident

Just Not Sorry is a Gmail add-on that is supposed to stop working women from selling themselves short. Many females use language that downplays what they are saying, whether in an unconscious or intentional effort to appease others, including men at work. This includes apologizing and conditioning words like "just" or "I feel." This Google Chrome extension locates these phrases in and email communications and explains to the writer why such language is self-deprecating.

Created by Cyrus Innovation CEO Tami Reiss, Just Not Sorry helps you bypass linguistic crutches and sound more confident by highlighting tempering wording, similar to spell check underlining. Reiss hopes this plugin will be part of a larger movement in 2016 that encourages #10000women to send more effective emails that don't undermine women.
Trend Themes
1. Gender Bias in Communication - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop tools or platforms that help individuals identify and eliminate gender bias in their communication, promoting equal opportunities and confidence.
2. Empowering Language - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create solutions that analyze and suggest alternative, empowering language choices to build confidence and assertiveness in communication.
3. Feminine Leadership Development - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design programs or technologies that support the development of leadership skills and assertiveness in women, helping them overcome linguistic barriers and excel in professional environments.
Industry Implications
1. Communication Tools - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop communication tools that specifically address and help individuals overcome communication challenges related to gender bias and confidence building.
2. Language Analysis Software - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop software that can analyze language patterns and suggest alternative word choices to promote confidence and assertiveness.
3. Professional Development Programs - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create professional development programs tailored to women, focusing on asserting themselves in the workplace and overcoming linguistic barriers.

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