Directed by Jonas and François, Iggy Azalea’s new music video takes a visually creative spin to the artist’s crudely emphasized and difficult upbringing. While how accurate this video depicts her life is debatable, the flow and direction of the music video is unquestionably phenomenal. Iggy Azalea’s styling and make-up is magnificently well done in each and every scene.
The music video takes place in mainly the desert, symbolizing the very lonely childhood the artist must of had. There are also many scenes where Iggy Azalea bikes and walks through crowds where she then receives uncomfortable looks from the men around her, which serves to make the audience almost as uncomfortable as she seems to be. These creative scenes aim to translate the hardships Azalea has had to go through on an everyday basis.
Symbolically Narrative Music Videos
Jonas and François Showcase Iggy Azalea’s Difficult
Trend Themes
1. Symbolic Music Videos - Opportunity for artists to convey powerful messages and emotions through visually creative narratives.
2. Personal Storytelling - Opportunity for artists to share their personal experiences and connect with audiences on a deeper level through music videos.
3. Emphasized Visual Aesthetics - Opportunity to captivate viewers with stunning visuals and make-up artistry in music videos.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Disruptive innovation opportunities to revolutionize the music video industry through inventive storytelling techniques.
2. Fashion and Beauty - Opportunity to collaborate with artists in creating visually captivating and trendsetting make-up and styling for music videos.
3. Media and Advertising - Opportunity to leverage emotionally impactful music videos for brand storytelling and marketing campaigns.