Watery Street Reflection Photography

Jessica Backhaus Captures the World Through Puddles

If you thought impressionistic paintings were blurry, wait until you lay your eyes on Jessica Backhaus’ photos. Taking a truly inventive approach to capturing scenes, Backhaus photographs streets reflected in moving puddles of water. Initial viewings of her pieces may have you thinking they’re all garbled pictures of nonsensical colors, but you can actually decipher the unique landscapes in her work using your imagination. Not only are her resulting images visually engaging, but they’re cognitively so as well.

Jessica Backhaus herself is a well-traveled photographer who came from a long line of artists. She currently resides in Germany, though she spent a significant time in France and the United States honing her skills. The hard work certainly paid off as Backhaus shows are currently booked well into the year 2014.
Trend Themes
1. Reflection Photography - Developing new techniques for capturing reflections in order to create unique and visually engaging landscapes.
2. Impressionistic Photography - Using blurred and distorted photography to create impressionistic images that challenge the viewer's perceptions of reality.
3. Cognitive Photography - Exploring the potential of photography to depict not only visual landscapes but also the cognitive landscapes of the mind.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Innovative photographers who are exploring new ways to capture and represent the world around us in visually stunning and thought-provoking ways.
2. Art - Identifying new opportunities to challenge and expand the boundaries of what is considered art by experimenting with different techniques and mediums.
3. Tourism - Highlighting the beauty and uniqueness of different landscapes and cities through creative and innovative photography can inspire tourism and travel to those locations.

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