Iron deficiency management can certainly be challenging for individuals as it consists of being diligent with the prescribed medical regime—whether that be oral iron supplements (the first line of therapy for this condition) or iron transfusions which are much more involved and invasive procedures. Adeline Leon, a student from the Industrial Design and Technology BA at Brunel University, has designed a smart health system that aims to "assist women with iron deficiency adhere to their medical regime," including their iron intake and embracing healthier diets.
Iron deficiency management is especially important to adhere to as the condition may lead to anemia when not treated and this progression has life-threatening consequences. Leon's app includes progress trackers, a community page, a schedule, and data visualization. A modular water bottle has also been included to elevate the experience of iron deficiency management.
Iron Deficiency Management Assistants
MyHemo by Adeline Leon Helps Women Adhere to Their Regime
Trend Themes
1. Smart Health Systems - Adopting smart health systems can offer innovative solutions to enhance patient adherence to medical regimes for the management of iron deficiency.
2. Data Visualization Tools - Developing innovative data visualization tools can be an effective way to help individuals with iron deficiency track their progress and achieve their health goals.
3. Modular Healthcare Devices - Creating more modular healthcare devices, such as the water bottle included in MyHemo, can present opportunities for creating more personalized and valuable health experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare Technology - Healthcare technology companies can explore developing more advanced and personalized healthcare systems and devices to address iron deficiency management needs.
2. Medical App Development - There is significant potential for medical app development companies to innovate in the area of iron deficiency management and offer features to enhance patient adherence and progress tracking.
3. Nutrition and Wellness - Nutrition and wellness companies can explore integrating features that help customers meet their nutrient goals, such as iron intake, to elevate the overall value of their products and services.