Iori Tomita is a 28-year-old Japanese artist and ichthyologist who specializes in a very unusual form of fish research. Iori Tomita's specialty is the art of making transparent fish specimens, which he creates without the aid of Photoshop or X-Rays.
These real-life animals have been attentively preserved, carefully dissected and have had all of their bones and cartilage cautiously dyed in order to provide researchers with help for their scientific study of the skeletal system.
Iori Tomita says that the process can take up to a year to complete. In addition to the scientific reasons for this strange study, Iori Tomita is selling some of the specimens on his website.
Regarding the greater meaning -- if any -- of his study, Iori Tomita is open-ended. "People may look at my specimens as an academic material, a piece of art, or even an entrance to philosophy," he said. "There is no limitation to how you interpret their meaning."
Transparent Animal Visuals
Iori Tomita Analyzes the Insides of Fish
Trend Themes
1. Transparent Animal Visuals - The trend of creating transparent animal specimens without the use of X-rays or Photoshop provides an opportunity for scientific research and artistic expression.
2. Preservation Techniques - The trend of carefully preserving and dyeing bones and cartilage of animals can lead to a new category of scientific study and museum exhibit.
3. Innovative Art Forms - The trend of creating artistic renderings of animal skeletons could create new opportunities in the art industry and change the way we view scientific study.
Industry Implications
1. Science Research - Transparent animal visuals can lead to new discoveries in the study of the skeletal system and aid in medical research and development.
2. Art - Transparent animal visuals provide a unique and innovative art form that can have commercial and cultural value.
3. Museums - Preserving and creating transparent animal specimens can provide new exhibits and educational experiences for museum-goers.