Futuristic Neon Furniture

The Interlux by Manfred Kielnhofer is a Spectaularly Brillaint Seat

There are a lot of seats out there which lay claim to the "chair of the future," but few of them embody the spirit of that moniker half as much as the Interlux by Manfred Kielnhofer.

Built almost exclusively out of plexiglass tubes and neon lighting, the Interlux by Manfred Kielnhofer is one piece of furniture that would have no trouble fitting right into a Tron movie or a glow-in-the-dark bowling alley. Where the Interlux really impresses, however, is with its versatility and room for customization. Without much difficulty the color of the neon lighting tubes can be easily changed meaning that you can suit it to your moods and tastes on any given day.

Needless to say the Interlux by Manfred Kielnhofer is one piece of interior decor that doesn't go quietly into the night.
Trend Themes
1. Futuristic Neon Furniture - The trend of incorporating neon lighting and plexiglass tubes into furniture designs offers disruptive innovation opportunities in the home decor industry.
2. Versatile Customization - The trend of customizable neon lighting in furniture allows for personalized and mood-based designs, offering disruptive innovation opportunities in the interior design industry.
3. Tron-inspired Aesthetics - The trend of incorporating Tron-like aesthetics into furniture designs taps into the sci-fi nostalgia and offers disruptive innovation opportunities in the entertainment and hospitality industries.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor - The home decor industry can explore new avenues by incorporating neon lighting and plexiglass tubes into furniture designs, providing customers with futuristic and eye-catching options.
2. Interior Design - The interior design industry can leverage customizable neon lighting in furniture to create personalized and mood-based designs, enhancing the overall aesthetics and functionality of spaces.
3. Entertainment and Hospitality - The entertainment and hospitality industries can embrace Tron-inspired aesthetics in furniture designs to create immersive experiences that resonate with sci-fi enthusiasts and attract a futuristic-loving target audience.

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