All-in-One Coffee Cups

These Instant Coffee Cups Unfold into a Cup Filled with Coffee Grinds

These instant coffee cups are a revolutionary design that enables one to carry a slim sachet around with them that will unfold into the optimal vessel for enjoying a cup of java. The sachet works by being opened and pressed on the bottom and sides; this makes the envelope transform into a cup that can be used to brew the instant coffee. Then, simply pour hot water into the container to get a fresh cup of coffee without having to find a coffee shop or deal with a coffee maker.

The instant coffee cups are the design work of Bei Zhan, Bin Lu and Yipeng Hu, and identify a new way to think about enjoying coffee on-the-go.
Trend Themes
1. Instant Coffee Innovation - The design of instant coffee cups presents an opportunity for further innovation in on-the-go coffee consumption.
2. Foldable Packaging - The technology behind the instant coffee cup packaging can be applied to other products for innovative and convenient packaging options.
3. Disposable Convenience - The idea of a disposable, all-in-one coffee cup can extend to other disposable products for added convenience for the consumer.
Industry Implications
1. Coffee - The coffee industry can explore opportunities for creating their own instant coffee cups with unique blends and flavors.
2. Packaging - The packaging industry can apply the foldable packaging technology to other products for convenient, on-the-go use.
3. Food Services - Fast food and convenience stores can benefit from offering disposable, all-in-one coffee cups for customers on-the-go.

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