Tattooed Cover Charges

Pascha's Inked Customer Rewards Program

Pascha, one of the largest brothels in Europe, has apparently had overwhelming interest in their offer of free lifetime entry to their facilities for customers who have ‘Pascha’ tattooed on their arm.

Over 40 men have already had the name inked onto their arm in large blue letters by the brothel’s in-house tattoo artist.

Men who have the tattoo will be exempt from the brothel’s £4 entry fee and will also get discount lap dances. They will still have to pay for the services of the 120 prostitutes that are housed there, however.

The 12-story brothel in Cologne, Germany reportedly attracts 1,000 customers a day.
Trend Themes
1. Customer Loyalty Programs - Explore opportunities to create unique customer loyalty programs that offer exclusive rewards for brand engagement.
2. Branded Tattoos - Consider how offering branded tattoos as a form of customer identification can drive customer loyalty and create a sense of belonging.
3. Alternative Marketing Strategies - Investigate alternative marketing strategies that generate buzz and attract new customers through unconventional methods.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - In the hospitality industry, find innovative ways to reward customer loyalty and enhance the customer experience.
2. Entertainment - In the entertainment industry, look for unique promotional tactics that create excitement and increase audience engagement.
3. Retail - In the retail industry, discover creative ways to engage customers and build brand loyalty through unconventional marketing approaches.

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