Symbolic Fake Watch Jewelry

The Deceptive Design of the Becomb Infinity Bracelet is a Metaphor

This infinity bracelet from Becomb resembles a watch face. The Infinity Piece is a rose gold bracelet that serves as a reminder to wearers that they can never spend enough time on the things they feel passionately about. The symbolic jewelry implies time is irrelevant as it does not actually tell time or work as a watch.

The timepiece-mimicking arm accessory comes in a variety of styles and bands. The one size-fits-all infinity bracelet is a great gift to yourself if time management and indulging in hobbies or other activities is important to you. It also makes a perfect present for your metaphorically inclined loved ones. The variety in styles also makes it a wonderful unisex piece.
Trend Themes
1. Symbolic Jewelry - There is a growing market for symbolic pieces of jewelry that carry deeper meanings or messages.
2. Non-functional Accessories - Accessories that mimic watches or other functional items, but serve no actual purpose beyond aesthetics, is a trend that is gaining popularity.
3. Unisex Gift Items - Gift items that are suitable for both men and women are becoming more popular in the market.
Industry Implications
1. Jewelry - Jewelry makers can capitalise on the trend of creating pieces with deeper meanings or messages that can also serve as conversation starters.
2. Fashion - Fashion designers can explore the trend of creating non-functional accessories like bracelets that resemble watches as a way to add a unique touch to outfits.
3. Gift - Companies that focus on selling gift items can expand their product offerings to include more unisex items that can appeal to a wider customer base.

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