Socially Conscious Co-Working Offices

'Impact Bazaar' is a Co-Working Office for Social Businesses

'Impact Bazaar' is a unique co-working office that encourages collaboration between innovators and entrepreneurs. The co-working hub works with over 40 organizations, provides office hours, lunches and workshops that help to fuel emerging innovative businesses.

The main focus for Impact Bazaar however is to empower social businesses. The space is meant to be understood as a resource for socially minded entrepreneurs. Impact Bazaar even offers free yoga at 8 am every morning, which is representative of the grounded and calm approach it applies to business. Unlike other co-working offices, this space encourages walk-ins with a relatively low cost of 10 dollars a day.

Rather than encouraging businesses to make short-term profits, Impact Bazaar is a place where long-term, sustainable dream projects can be made into reality.
Trend Themes
1. Collaborative Co-working - Socially conscious co-working offices like Impact Bazaar encourage collaboration between innovators and entrepreneurs, fostering a community of shared knowledge and resources.
2. Social Business Support - Impact Bazaar focuses on empowering social businesses by providing a range of resources, office hours, and workshops specifically tailored to their needs.
3. Sustainable Entrepreneurship - As a co-working space that promotes long-term, sustainable projects, Impact Bazaar offers a platform for entrepreneurs to turn their dream projects into reality while prioritizing social and environmental impact.
Industry Implications
1. Co-working Spaces - The rise of socially conscious co-working offices presents an opportunity for the co-working industry to cater to businesses with a social and environmental mission.
2. Social Entrepreneurship - Impact Bazaar's focus on empowering social businesses highlights the potential for growth and innovation within the social entrepreneurship industry.
3. Sustainable Business - As a space that prioritizes sustainability and long-term impact, Impact Bazaar exemplifies the potential for disruption and growth within the sustainable business sector.

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