Virtual Space Simulators

The Illustris Simulation is a Visual Depiction of the Universe

If you've ever wondered how the universe looked a hundred, a thousand or even a million years ago, the Illustris simulation program gives space fanatics an in-depth look inside a virtual digitized depiction of the universe.

The Illustris simulation took five long years to create and it shows an extensive visual representation of the evolution of the universe. Using colorful graphics, the Illustris simulation shows how stars, cloud nebulae and galaxies were formed from the start of the Big Bang 12 million years ago. The virtual space program also takes the time to show the universe on a wide, encompassing scale as well as on a small scale -- down to the very last star. One thing watching the Illustris simulation will surely do is remind you how big our universe is.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Space Tourism - Creating more interactive virtual space simulators to virtually transport consumers to other planets.
2. Augmented Reality Exploration - Developing AR technology to allow users to explore the universe in real-time through a smartphone or tablet.
3. Realistic Universe Simulations - Continuing to improve and evolve virtual universe simulators to increase accuracy and realism.
Industry Implications
1. Virtual Reality Software - Innovative companies can create software that allows consumers to simulate space exploration.
2. Augmented Reality Hardware - Companies can capitalize on real-time AR exploration by creating new hardware that enhances the AR experience.
3. Astronomy Research - Researchers can leverage realistic simulations to explore theories and hypotheses, and discover more about the universe.

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