Men's Body Image Campaigns

This Video Shows Men Realize That Their Ideal Body Isn't What They Want

This video from the 'Try Guys' of Buzzfeed has men explain their ideal body image and the struggles they've faced in comparing themselves to unrealistic standards.

The video opens up with the men describing their insecurities growing up and explaining the body that they wish they had, citing stars like Cristiano Ronaldo, John Krasinski, Channing Tatum and Justin Bieber. Looking to obtain the physique of professional athletes and heartthrob entertainers, the Try Guys start by contouring their bodies with the help of a make-up artist.

Later on, Photoshop is used to show the men exactly what they would look like with their ideal body. Once they are given their new bodies however, the Try Guys realize that these expectations are not realistic for the everyday person -- and nor should they be. They come out with a new appreciation for their individuality and get a better understanding of just how doctored the photos of celebrities often are.
Trend Themes
1. Men's Body Acceptance - There is an opportunity to create campaigns that promote men's body acceptance and challenge unrealistic standards.
2. Realistic Body Image - Brands could promote a realistic and attainable body image for men, creating opportunities for gyms, fitness apps, and healthy food and supplement brands.
3. Authentic Marketing - Brands can use authentic marketing campaigns that showcase real people with imperfect bodies to promote body positivity and healthy lifestyles.
Industry Implications
1. Fitness Industry - The fitness industry could shift focus to promote a healthy and realistic approach to body image, creating opportunities for gyms, equipment, and supplement providers.
2. Marketing Industry - Marketing industry has the opportunity to create campaigns without unrealistic standards, and promote authenticity which can create value for their clients.
3. Social Media Industry - Social media platforms can promote positive body image content and discourage unrealistic portrayals of bodies, creating opportunities for influencers and content creators to promote healthy lifestyles.

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