Earthy Ice Desserts

Kokedama Ice will Be Available at the Oirase Keiryu Hotel This Summer

This kokedama ice dessert was created by chefs at the Oirase Keiryu Hotel in Northern Japan as a homage to the Japanese gardening practice. Set to be available this summer from June to August at the hotel, the kokedama dessert consists of matcha ice cream that's covered in spinach powder and served on a spot of green apple puree.

The kokedama dessert is inspired by the kokedama gardening practice that consists of a plant being covered in mud, wrapped with moss and then hung from a string in midair. The earthy ice dessert variant is set to be a hit for the hotel with each serving priced at 1,300 Yen and only available for a single season.
Trend Themes
1. Kokedama-inspired Desserts - Incorporating the earthy aesthetic and unique presentation of kokedama into dessert offerings creates a novel and Instagram-worthy experience for food lovers.
2. Matcha-infused Treats - The use of matcha ice cream in desserts offers a flavorful twist and capitalizes on the growing popularity of matcha as a key ingredient in culinary creations.
3. Limited Seasonal Offerings - Creating exclusive seasonal dessert options not only generates excitement and urgency among customers, but also allows for experimentation with unique flavors and ingredients.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - Hotels and restaurants can tap into the trend of kokedama-inspired desserts to attract customers seeking innovative and visually appealing culinary experiences.
2. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry can explore the incorporation of matcha-infused treats into their product offerings to cater to the growing demand for matcha-based desserts and beverages.
3. Event Planning - Event planners can leverage the concept of limited seasonal offerings to create buzz and attract attendees to exclusive events or pop-up dessert experiences.

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