Smart Object-Creating Tech

HyperSurfaces is Developing a Microchip to Make Regular Things Smart

Smart devices are starting to pop up everywhere but UK-based start-up HyperSurfaces isn't focused on replacing objects with smart ones. Instead, the company has developed new technology that combines vibration sensors with machine learning to turn anything and everything into a smart object. According to CEO Bruno Zamborlin, "With HyperSurfaces, any physical object made of any shape, size, and material—including wood, glass, metal, [and others] — can become intelligent and touch-sensitive."

The interaction with HyperSurfaces technology can range from a tap in a certain location to a swipe of a footstep. The microchip used in the process also doesn't require a connection to a cloud for processing and manages to carry out all processes through local procedures. Ultimately, HyperSurfaces hopes that its technology will lead to a second wave of applications in which every object is augmented and connected to one another.
Trend Themes
1. Smart Object Augmentation - HyperSurfaces is disrupting the market by offering technology that can turn any object into a smart device, opening up opportunities for new forms of human-object interaction.
2. Vibration Sensor Technology - HyperSurfaces is leading the development of a new generation of microchips equipped with vibration sensors, presenting opportunities for the creation of innovative products that can detect vibrations or touch.
3. Machine Learning Integration - HyperSurfaces is pioneering the integration of machine learning with microchip technology, opening up doors for the development of new forms of artificial intelligence that leverage the power of physical objects.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - The creation of smart objects could disrupt the traditional consumer electronics market as more consumers seek out innovative products that interact with their environment in new and exciting ways.
2. Manufacturing - The integration of HyperSurfaces' technology into the manufacturing process could revolutionize the field by enabling the production of smart objects with ease and at a scale previously unknown.
3. Smart Homes - HyperSurfaces technology could enable the creation of even smarter homes by turning any object within the home into a smart device, leading to a more intuitive and connected living space.

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