Hotel Room Botox

DR 911 Luxe Concierge

Oh my gosh! You're on vacation and you notice your crow's feet are beginning to resurface -- mid-girls week in Manhattan! Instead of venturing out with a complex, or dialing your doc back home for a much-too-late spritz of Botox a few weeks from now, you can now order an emergency fix straight to your hotel!

A new service is being offered from Dr. 911 and Luxe Concierge, offering luxury medical treatments in your private room.

Sounds a bit sketchy, but don't worry -- it's safe too. Dr. Robert Glatter AKA DR 911, is a Board-Certified Emergency Medicine Physician. The company's goal is "to provide a luxury amenity of top-rate, in-room medical care to its high-end roster of affluent and celebrity clientele."

They provide emergency treatments (think food poisoning, non-emergency treatments (migraines, infections) and the aforementioned cosmetic and beauty treatments.

The staff consists of a team of 24/7 on-call doctors who provide personalized, in-room care, a luxury service that's been known in Europe for decades, but is new to North America.

What a perfect way to get treated undercover; I could see this one becoming huge with celebs!
Trend Themes
1. Luxury In-room Medical Care - The trend of offering luxury medical treatments in hotel rooms presents opportunities for luxury hotels to enhance their guest experience and attract high-end clientele.
2. On-demand Emergency Services - The trend of on-call doctors providing emergency treatments in hotel rooms offers an innovative solution for travelers who require immediate medical attention, creating disruptive opportunities in the healthcare industry.
3. Mobile Medical Concierge - The trend of mobile medical concierge services brings convenience and privacy to individuals seeking cosmetic and beauty treatments, opening up new possibilities for medical tourism and wellness industries.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - Luxury hotels can leverage the trend of offering luxury medical treatments in hotel rooms to enhance their services and attract affluent and celebrity clientele, disrupting the traditional hotel industry.
2. Healthcare - The trend of on-call doctors providing emergency treatments in hotel rooms disrupts traditional healthcare delivery models, presenting new opportunities for healthcare providers to expand their services and reach a wider audience.
3. Wellness - The trend of mobile medical concierge services for cosmetic and beauty treatments opens up opportunities for the wellness industry to tap into the growing demand for convenient and personalized healthcare services.

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