Connected Hormone Trackers

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The 'Pearl' Hormone-Tracking System Helps Users with Their Cycle

The 'Pearl' hormone-tracking system is a solution for females that will enable them to better understand their bodies by helping to make correlations between their hormones and their emotions. The mapping technology will help users to pinpoint why they might feel happy or energized some days and sluggish or sad on others. This is done by taking tests each morning and uploading their results to the accompanying smartphone app for a more holistic projection of information over a longer course of time.

The 'Pearl' hormone-tracking system takes three kinds of data into account including follicle-stimulating hormones, luteinizing hormones and progesterone. The system will come as a welcome addition to a person's daily routine if they are trying to conceive by pinpointing when they are most fertile.
Trend Themes
1. Connected Hormone Tracking - Opportunity to develop innovative hormone-tracking technologies that help individuals better understand their bodies and emotions.
2. Mapping Technology - Disruption potential in developing mapping technologies that correlate hormone levels with emotional states.
3. Long-term Data Projection - Opportunity to create smartphone apps that provide a more holistic projection of hormone-related information over time.
Industry Implications
1. Health Tech - Opportunity for health tech companies to create connected hormone trackers and accompanying apps.
2. Women's Health - Disruption potential in the women's health industry by developing hormone-tracking solutions that aid in understanding fertility and emotional well-being.
3. Fertility Care - Opportunity for fertility care providers to integrate hormone-tracking systems to enhance their services and improve chances of conception.

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