Aromatic Hop Tea Refreshments

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The Hoplark HopTea 'The Tea is Silent' Drinks are Limited-Edition

Hops are most often associated with being used in beer but are a versatile ingredient that are encouraged to shine through in the new Hoplark HopTea 'The Tea is Silent' drinks. The drinks are made with a premium range of hops including Sabro, Strata, Citra and Mosaic, which are each used in the beverages to harness the flavor profile of the aromatic ingredient. The teas include The Grateful Strata One, The Sublime Sabro One, The Brilliant Mosaic One and The Royal Citra One.

The Hoplark HopTea 'The Tea is Silent' drinks are all approved for consumption under the Whole30 diet, and maintain a recipe that is zero-calorie, free from carbs and perfect for sipping in the summertime heat.
Trend Themes
1. Versatile Hop Beverages - Using hops in unique and refreshing non-alcoholic drinks presents an opportunity for innovation in the beverage industry.
2. Whole30-approved Drinks - Focusing on health-conscious and specialty diets like Whole30 presents an opportunity for growth in the healthfood market.
3. Zero-calorie Teas - The development of zero-calorie, flavorful teas provides a chance for innovation in the tea industry.
Industry Implications
1. Non-alcoholic Beverages - The creation of more non-alcoholic and health-focused drinks presents an opportunity for growth in the beverage industry.
2. Health Foods - Focusing on specialty diets like the Whole30 presents an opportunity for growth in the healthfood industry.
3. Tea - The development of innovative new tea products, like zero-calorie teas made with unique and flavorful ingredients, presents an opportunity for growth in the tea industry.

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