Larry Gormley's 'The History of Film' graphic charts the development of the major motion picture industry from 1910 to the present. While the layout is expansive, covering vast on-screen territory, it is also notably succinct.
Gormley documents over 2000 movies in The History of Film. Although the list is extensive with reference to multiple directors and celebrities, it is quite selective. The designer chose to include only the most significant productions.
The titles are further ordered under 20 genre subheads. The 100 year long look at the business is comprehensive to say the least, and this effort in categorization adds a sense of clarity to the big screen releases. Cinema buffs will definitely receive their fill of critical film making data.
Chronologic Movie Buff Graphics
'The History of Film' Provides a Visual Look at Motion Pictures
Trend Themes
1. Visualizing Film History - Opportunity for developing new interactive and immersive approaches that make it easier for audiences to explore film history.
2. Selective History Curation - Room for curated histories that focus on key films and trends rather than a comprehensive overview.
3. Genre Categorization - Potential for creating new data-driven approaches to categorizing films by genre or other criteria.
Industry Implications
1. Film - Opportunities for film studios to create new curated ways for audiences to explore filmographies from the old classics to modern day masterpieces.
2. Artificial Intelligence - AI companies can apply their tools to automatically categorize movies by genre or other criteria based on a visual analysis of movie content.
3. Education - Opportunities for providing new types of interactive and immersive educational experiences that take learners through the history of film in a more engaging and exploratory fashion.