Too-Cool Feline Blogs

'Hipster Kitty' Documents the Life and Times of Scenester Cats

Cats are probably the coolest type of animal around, what being all aloof and passé about everything. It makes perfect sense for them to have their own blog, and 'Hipster Kitty' is here to provide it.

Just when you thought your cat was ignoring you, it was actually just judging you on your poor choice in music. 'Hipster Kitty' documents the wayward antics of the cats in the know, and the pictures are pretty darn cute as well.
Trend Themes
1. Cat Blogging - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Creating a platform for cats to have their own blogs or social media accounts, allowing them to express their unique personalities and engage with a cat-loving audience.
2. Pet Social Media - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Developing a social media platform specifically designed for pet owners to connect, share content, and build communities around their pets.
3. Persona-driven Content - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Creating personalized content platforms that cater to specific personas, such as 'hipster cats,' giving them a voice and engaging their target audience in a more niche way.
Industry Implications
1. Pet Accessories - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Designing and producing trendy and fashionable accessories for pets, inspired by the hipster cat persona and catering to the growing market of pet owners who seek unique products for their animals.
2. Digital Content Creation - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Providing tools, platforms, and services that cater to the increasing demand for customized and engaging digital content, specifically targeted at pet owners and their beloved animal companions.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Developing innovative advertising and marketing strategies that leverage the popularity of cat blogs and pet social media platforms to reach a broader pet-loving audience, while also appealing to specific niche markets like hipster cat enthusiasts.

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