Cultural Emoji Concepts

Rayouf Alhumedhi Designed an Idea for a Hijab Emoji

The universal emoji keyboard is constantly under development to not only become more comprehensive, but more inclusive -- and it may soon feature a hijab emoji.

The idea for this graphic was conceived and designed by a teenager named Rayouf Alhumedhi who is studying in Berlin, Germany and wanted to see emojis that represented the choice to wear the hijabs -- cultural garments that Muslim women in some countries or regions wear. With the help of Unicode, the student was able to draft a proposal for the hijab emoji that she believes will be a small step towards increasing visibility and denouncing the stereotypes associated with wearing the cultural garment. The emojis the student has designed will also be inclusive to women of Orthodox Judaism and Christianity and will feature men with headscarves as well.

This emoji proposal will further add to the credibility of the work in progress that is the universal emoji keyboard -- in which a completely inclusive set of graphics is not yet available.
Trend Themes
1. Cultural Inclusivity Emojis - The development and implementation of emojis representing different cultural garments and symbols opens up possibilities to celebrate diversity and promote inclusivity.
2. Teen-driven Innovation - The role of teenagers in driving innovation, particularly in technology and social media, is growing and should be recognized.
3. Visual Representation for Social Justice - Visual representation in the form of emojis can help raise awareness and promote social justice for underrepresented communities.
Industry Implications
1. Social Media - The use of emojis and trends in inclusive representations is particularly important in social media platforms.
2. Graphic Design - Inclusive emoji design and development creates new opportunities for graphic designers.
3. Tech - The development and implementation of emojis within tech highlights the need for inclusivity in the tech industry.

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