Heavy Metal Lips

Emily Gobeille Designs Dark Lips for a Talk Show

These cool lip designs were created by Emily Gobeille for a heavy metal talk show. The images seem to pop out at the viewer, as layers are created within the art work.

Integrating guitars, lightning, clouds and flames seem to perfectly fit the aura of heavy metal. And I believe the sneering lips could have something to do with the lippy behavior that seems to come out of many rockstar's mouths.

Implications - But these heavy metal lips are alluring in a way that seems to contradict the aggressive and fast nature of heavy metal music. Nevertheless, the designs are fantastic to look at and add an element of posh attitude to a genre that is usually without it.
Trend Themes
1. Dark Lip Designs - Creating unique and edgy lip designs for various industries such as fashion, music and entertainment.
2. Layered Art Work - Incorporating layers and dimension into designs to create a more intriguing and captivating visual experience.
3. Posh Attitude - Adding an element of sophistication and high-end style to industries that are typically associated with roughness and rebellion.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Incorporating unique lip designs as part of runway looks or beauty campaigns.
2. Music - Designing edgy and expressive lip designs for musicians, bands, and music festivals.
3. Entertainment - Creating unique lip designs as part of thematic events, talk shows, or performances.

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