Prescription Meditation Apps

Headspace is Planning to Launch 'Headspace Health' in 2020

Headspace prides itself on sharing meditation with people in a way that's simple and accessible, but it is now looking to the future of the practice with Headspace Health.

Aside from the relaxing, therapeutic effects that can be enjoyed from meditation, the scientific benefits of the practice are also well-documented. In fact, Headspace notes that "meditation has been shown to help people stress less, focus more and even sleep better." Headspace Health is set to be introduced in 2020 as the world's first prescription meditation app with FDA-cleared, clinically validated programs.

The meditation programs that will be offered on Headspace Health are set to target a range of chronic diseases, as the practice has the potential to positively impact those suffering from a poor quality sleep and troubles with asthma to cancer.
Trend Themes
1. Prescription Meditation Apps - Headspace's upcoming launch of 'Headspace Health' for prescription meditation presents opportunities for app development in the healthcare industry.
2. Clinically Validated Meditation Programs - The rise of prescription meditation apps, such as Headspace Health, highlights the importance of clinical validation in the wellness industry.
3. Meditation for Chronic Diseases - Targeting chronic diseases, like asthma and cancer, with meditation programs shows potential for disruption in the healthcare industry.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - Headspace Health's introduction as a prescription meditation app presents opportunities for technological disruption in the healthcare industry.
2. Wellness - The rise of clinically validated meditation programs presents new opportunities for growth and innovation in the wellness industry.
3. Mobile Application Development - The development of prescription meditation apps for chronic diseases, like Headspace Health, shows potential for disruption in the mobile application development industry.

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