Sign Language Translators

HandTalk Glove

The sassy term, "talk to the hand" takes on a whole new meaning with HandTalk, a sensor equipped glove that translates finger and hand gestures into spoken words on a cell phone.

The motivation behind HandGlove, a project by engineering students at Carnegie Mellon University, was to enable easy communication between deaf people and those who do not have knowledge of the Sign language.

"The HandTalk works like this: sensors in the glove pick up gestures and transmit the data wirelessly via Bluetooth to a cell phone which runs a Text to Speech software," says "The sensor data are converted first into text and then to voice output. A person not knowledgeable in Sign language can listen via the cell phone what the other person is saying in Sign language form."
Trend Themes
1. Sign Language Translation Technology - The development of technology that enables communication between people using sign language and those who don't will revolutionize accessibility and inclusivity.
2. Wearable Translation Devices - The creation of translation devices that are wearable, such as the HandTalk glove, will revolutionize the field of communication and make it more accessible to those who are hard of hearing.
3. Gesture Control Interfaces - The development of gesture control technology will open up new possibilities for hands-free communication and accessibility.
Industry Implications
1. Assistive Technology - The HandTalk glove is an example of how assistive technology can help people with disabilities communicate and engage with the world.
2. Consumer Technology - Wearable translation devices like the HandTalk glove have potential to create a new market for consumer technology applications in the field of communication.
3. Healthcare Technology - Gesture control interfaces and other technologies that enable more intuitive and hands-free communication have huge potential to improve the accessibility and efficiency of healthcare.

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