Pensive Designer Pose Blogs

This Tumblr Blog Exclusively Shows Designers with Hands-on-Face Poses

‘Designers Touching Their Faces’ is a hilarious Tumblr blog that shows designers adopting a series of hands-on-face poses.

San Francisco-based designer Nick Foster noticed this was a common thing that designers seem to do in photos and the blog he created certainly holds enough proof of this. The pose seems to suggest a thoughtfulness from the designers, but it becomes quite comical when so many of these types of images are put side by side.

The ‘Designers Touching Their Faces’ blog catches designers like Karim Rashid, Tom Ford, James Dyson and Vivienne Westwood in the act of holding a pensive pose with their hands resting on their faces. As Foster notes in the description of the hilarious site: "If you're a designer, you ain't sh*t if you don't touch your face in photographs."
Trend Themes
1. Designer Poses - The trend of designer poses creates an opportunity for companies to market products or services that cater to the design industry, using real-life designers as models.
2. Humorous Design Blogs - The trend of humorous design blogs provides an opportunity for companies or individuals to create entertaining content around a specific niche, such as designers touching their faces, to attract a specific audience.
3. Satirical Social Media Accounts - The trend of satirical social media accounts, like 'Designers Touching Their Faces,' presents a new way for companies or individuals to gain social media traction and engage with their target audience through humor.
Industry Implications
1. Design - The design industry can use the trend of designer poses as a way to market their expertise and skill, showcasing their unique and thoughtful approach to design.
2. Social Media - The social media industry can harness the trend of humorous design blogs to engage with users and increase their following by sharing entertaining content that appeals to a specific niche audience.
3. Advertising - The advertising industry can utilize the trend of satirical social media accounts to create viral marketing campaigns that capture the attention of consumers and generate buzz around a product or service.

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