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The Global Hands All In Initiative Fights Gen Z Loneliness

Nail polish brand essie is teaming up with The Foundation for Art & Healing (FAH) and Project UnLonely for Hands All In, a holistic global initiative that aims to spread color, a sense of connection and joy while addressing mental health issues.
This project takes on the epidemic of loneliness that has 61% of Gen Z admitting they feel lonely and 46% of Gen Z reporting that their loneliness grew since the pandemic.

Colors & Connection is a program developed by FAH through Project UnLonely that connects students and college communities through the use of color and art and shared stories. These one-hour, evidence-informed workshops are implemented on campuses across the country, including Harvard University, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and Emerson College.
Trend Themes
1. Art Therapy for Mental Health - The initiative highlights an opportunity for other companies to partner with mental health organizations and provide art therapy workshops to promote mental wellbeing.
2. Addressing Gen Z Loneliness - More initiatives and programs targeting Gen Z loneliness can be implemented in educational institutions, workplaces, and communities to create a sense of belonging and connection.
3. Bringing Color and Joy to Communities - Businesses can leverage color and art as a tool to spread positivity and connect communities through events, workshops, and campaigns.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty - Beauty brands can partner with mental health organizations to create initiatives that address mental health and promote art therapy.
2. Education - Educational institutions can integrate art therapy workshops into their mental health programs to support student wellbeing and prevent loneliness.
3. Non-profit - Non-profit organizations can collaborate with companies to launch initiatives that tackle mental health issues at a community level using art and creativity.

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