Gun Control Lobbying Infographics

This Infographic Details the NRA's Lobbying Spending

At the moment, gun control lobbying is in high gear in the United States. While many call for harsher gun laws after the recent shootings, staunch opponents to gun control lobby harder than ever to make sure the rights of gun owners are protected. Although citizens from other countries look on scratching their head about the whole issue, the United States has a gun culture that is deeply ingrained in their national identity and thus, very difficult to break down.

One of the most powerful and vocal opponents to gun control lobbying is the NRA (National Rifle Association). This infographic shows just how much clout they have when it comes to throwing money at an issue they have a position on. In 2012, the NRA spent a total of $32 million dollars on lobbying efforts.
Trend Themes
1. Increasing Gun Control Lobbying - The trend of increasing gun control lobbying presents disruptive innovation opportunities for organizations that provide innovative solutions for gun violence prevention.
2. Strong Opposition to Gun Control - The trend of strong opposition to gun control presents disruptive innovation opportunities for organizations that advocate for responsible gun ownership and education.
3. Deep-rooted Gun Culture - The trend of a deep-rooted gun culture presents disruptive innovation opportunities for organizations that focus on changing societal perspectives on gun ownership and usage.
Industry Implications
1. Gun Violence Prevention - The gun violence prevention industry has the opportunity to disrupt the market by developing advanced technologies and strategies to reduce gun-related incidents.
2. Gun Rights Advocacy - The gun rights advocacy industry has the opportunity to disrupt the market by promoting responsible gun ownership and advocating for comprehensive background checks and regulations.
3. Societal Change Initiatives - The societal change initiatives industry has the opportunity to disrupt the market by promoting awareness, education, and dialogue to shift the perception of gun culture in the United States.

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