Scandalous Beer Commercials

Is Guinness 'Good Times' Sexist, Indecent, or Both?

Guinness beer wants you to let the good times roll, and share it with a friend, or two. Their definition of sharing "the good times" might be just a bit too unorthodox for me.

Let’s just say that their new ‘viral’ encourages you to not only share a bottle of Guinness beer, but to also share the beautiful woman who is objectified by serving as a table to place the beer while, ermm… Oh, just watch the video above…

I think it’s pretty safe to assume this ad is indecent or at least scandalous, but do you think it is sexist? Let us know in the comments below.

Check out a few more edgy drinks ads:
Trend Themes
1. Controversial Beer Commercials - The controversy generated by Guinness beer's latest viral video highlights the need for beer ads to steer clear of sexist undertones or objectification of women, and focus on innovative and creative marketing strategies instead.
2. Edgy Alcohol Marketing - With the growth of social media and viral marketing, alcohol companies must find ways to engage consumers while maintaining responsible and tasteful advertising techniques.
3. Demand for Socially Conscious Advertising - As consumers become increasingly aware of social issues, brands must commit to socially responsible marketing practices in order to remain competitive.
Industry Implications
1. Alcohol Beverages Industry - As an industry that generates billions in global revenue, both manufacturers and distributors in the alcohol beverages industry must understand and react to changing cultural values around advertising.
2. Marketing and Advertising Industry - Marketing and advertising professionals across all industries must work to develop strategies that are both engaging and culturally sensitive.
3. Social Media Industry - As the popularity of social media platforms continues to grow, companies in the social media industry must balance freedom of expression with responsible advertising practices.

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