Elegantly Tough Photoshoots

The Glass Magazine Spring 2014 Covers Celebrates Female Strength

The Glass Magazine Spring 2014 issue boasts a great theme: Strength. By embracing such a trait, it encourages women to tap into their own inner well of tenaciousness and toughness, qualities that are celebrated more and more in women these days.

Embracing the strength of four women in particular, the Glass Magazine Spring 2014 issue honors four years in the industry simultaneously. Starring top models Soo Joo Park, Barbara Palvin and Jessica Stam alongside rising star Nastya Sten, the covers were shot by photographer Bojana Tatarska. They each star in a cover shoot that revolve around the theme. For instance, one it titled 'True Strength is Delicate' while another is called 'Aloud,' to focus on the courageous act of thinking for oneself and not letting anyone else have that privilege.
Trend Themes
1. Female Empowerment Visuals - Businesses can create ad campaigns and marketing materials that showcase strong women to tap into the current trend of empowering women.
2. Celebration of Inner Strength - There is an opportunity for businesses to explore the theme of inner strength and tenaciousness in their products and services that cater to women.
3. Nonconformist Marketing - Brands can focus on individuality and nonconformity, creating ad campaigns that highlight the strength of going against norms.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion brands can showcase strong models and celebrate the inner strength of their female customers.
2. Advertising - Advertising agencies can create campaigns that celebrate nonconformity and embrace individuality.
3. Fitness - Fitness brands can develop products and services that focus on female empowerment and inner strength.

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