Intoxicating Urine

The Gilpin Family Whisky Converts Biological Waste into Alcohol

I feel as though Gilpin Family Whisky should have kept their key ingredient, urine, on the down low. Granted, they've purified and distilled it, but this whiskey is still made out of human pee.

London designer James Gilpin seems to think so. Yet Gilpin Family Whisky has a greater purpose than simply making money off of a gimmicky premise. According to PSFK, he utilizes "sugar-heavy urine excreted by diabetic patients for fermenting into high-end single malt whiskey." By doing so, he not only sheds light on diabetic problems, but also the loss of an abundant amount of daily biological waste.
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Alcohol Production - The use of unconventional ingredients like urine in alcohol production highlights the potential for sustainable and innovative approaches to creating beverages.
2. Biological Waste Management - The conversion of urine into whisky draws attention to the importance of managing biological waste in a resourceful way.
3. Medical-inspired Consumer Products - The utilization of diabetic urine in whisky production explores the potential for medical-inspired consumer products that raise awareness about health issues.
Industry Implications
1. Distillery - Distilleries can explore unconventional ingredients and waste management techniques to create unique and sustainable alcoholic beverages.
2. Waste Management - The process of converting urine into whisky opens up opportunities for waste management companies to develop innovative solutions for handling and repurposing biological waste.
3. Healthcare and Wellness - The use of diabetic urine in whisky production suggests potential collaborations between healthcare and consumer goods industries to create products that address health issues.

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