The Gillette World's Biggest Shave is quite possibly the biggest you will ever see Roger Federer's head get. The tennis superstar is a world-class athlete who has never let his successes on the court give him a big head, until now.
Federer's head is huge in the latest Gillette publicity stunt which involved recreating the Swiss tennis players face using paint and then shaving it using a foam for shaving cream and lawnmowers for razors. I am incredibly impressed by the detail and accuracy of this video. If Federer had a green face, it would look exactly like the one created in the Gillette World's Biggest Shave video. Check out the ad for yourself here. It's only a matter of time before Gillette crosses over and begins making lawnmowers.
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Record-Breaking Swiss Shaves
The Gillette World's Biggest Shave Mows Roger Federer's Facial Hair
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Reality Event Marketing - Using virtual reality technology to create unique and immersive experiences for event attendees could disrupt traditional event marketing strategies.
2. Celebrity Collaborations - Collaborating with celebrities to promote products can increase brand awareness and create buzz, as exemplified by Gillette's partnership with Roger Federer for their World's Biggest Shave campaign.
3. Creative Advertising Campaigns - Innovative advertising strategies, like the use of lawnmowers for shaving and the recreation of a celebrity's face in paint, can catch consumers' attention and leave a lasting impression.
Industry Implications
1. Event Planning - The use of virtual reality in event planning could offer a new and exciting way to engage attendees and differentiate from competitors.
2. Consumer Products - Partnering with celebrities to promote products, such as Gillette's partnership with Roger Federer, can give brands a competitive edge in the marketplace.
3. Advertising - Innovative advertising strategies, like those used in Gillette's World's Biggest Shave campaign, can disrupt traditional advertising techniques and capture consumers' attention.