Gentle Mineral Sunscreens

Everyday Humans' Sunscreen Supports Sensitive, Oily & Acne-Prone Skin

Everyday Humans' new Rosé S’il Vous Plait SPF30 Gentle Mineral Sunscreen was recently launched to support those with sensitive, oily and acne-prone skin. While sunscreen used to be heavy, tacky, pore-filling and notorious for leaving behind an undesirable white cast, a new wave of sun protection products is emerging with skincare benefits.

The vegan-friendly and cruelty-free formula is also reef-safe and suitable for every skin tone. This new sun protection solution from Everyday Humans follows the release of its Resting Beach Face SPF30 Sunscreen Serum last year and as its name suggests, the product is infused with rose extract. Thanks to the inclusion of this ingredient, the mineral sunscreen promises to "restore skin's moisture-sebum balance while soothing troubled spots and inflammation," according to founder Charlotte Pienaar.
Trend Themes
1. Skincare-infused Sunscreens - Opportunity to create sunscreens that not only protect against harmful rays but also offer skincare benefits such as restoring moisture and soothing troubled skin.
2. Reef-safe Sunscreens - Potential for developing sunscreens that are not only effective in sun protection but also environmentally friendly, avoiding the use of harmful ingredients that can harm marine life.
3. Tailored Sunscreens for Specific Skin Types - Space for crafting sunscreens that cater to different skin types like sensitive, oily, and acne-prone skin, providing specialized protection without causing irritation or clogging pores.
Industry Implications
1. Skincare Industry - Skincare companies can explore integrating sunscreen into their product lines, offering customers multifunctional products that enhance skincare routines and provide UV protection.
2. Eco-friendly Beauty Industry - Opportunity for eco-friendly beauty brands to develop reef-safe sunscreens that align with their sustainability values and meet consumer demand for environmentally conscious products.
3. Dermatology and Cosmeceutical Industry - Potential for dermatology and cosmeceutical companies to create tailored sunscreens for specific skin conditions, promoting products that address individual needs and concerns.

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