Geek Girl Power

Study Shows Girls Ahead of Guys

Until now, men have been the dominant gender in all things geek. But a new published report called Women and Digital Lifestyles from Solutions Research Group claims that women are now ahead of men in activities like streaming network TV, DVR use, and casual gaming.

The report divulges that 15% of women surveyed said they stream network TV shows form TV sites compared to 11% of men. Another slap in the face of men, 70% of women say they played a PC game last month vs. 69% of men (at least the men's number is cooler and wins the sexy number battle).

Men, we need to regroup, reorganize and reclaim our position!

Watch a very funny video clip from the British TV show "The IT Crowd" above.

Pictured is the sexy tech-savvy Agent Sarah from geek TV show Chuck.
Trend Themes
1. Gender Gap in Geek Activities - An increasing number of women are surpassing men in activities like streaming network TV, DVR use, and casual gaming.
2. Rise of Females in Digital Lifestyles - Women are taking the lead in embracing digital technologies and incorporating them into their daily lives.
3. Changing Dynamics in Geek Culture - The dominance of men in geek culture is being challenged by women who are actively participating and excelling in geek activities.
Industry Implications
1. Streaming TV Services - Women's preference for streaming network TV shows presents an opportunity for streaming TV services to cater specifically to female audiences.
2. Gaming Industry - The increasing number of women engaging in PC gaming indicates a need for the gaming industry to create more female-friendly games and experiences.
3. Digital Media and Entertainment - The changing dynamics in geek culture call for digital media and entertainment companies to address the evolving preferences and interests of female consumers.

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