Supernatural Double-Life Photography

Vice Style's 'Gay Witches' Reveals an Underground Society

Blending the supernatural with vintage fashion and 90s club kid style, 'Gay Witches' for Vice Style is not your average fashion editorial. Captured by Masha Mel, the shoot features looks by stylist John William, a self-proclaimed former "gay witch."

Experimenting with nail polish, lip colors and eye makeup, the photoset shows two teenage boys who, if you'll pardon the Cyndi Lauper reference, really just want to have fun. Despite the dark themes of witchcraft and sacrilegious ritual that are alluded to in some of the shots, the photos read more like a testament to growing up and self-discovery.

Whether you relate to the teenage experimentation and days of angst seen in these shots, or you're completely lost on the whole idea, Vice Style's 'Gay Witches' is a must-see for anyone seeking some alternative fashion inspiration.
Trend Themes
1. Supernatural Fashion - Opportunities for fashion brands to blend supernatural and vintage styles in their designs
2. Alternative Beauty Trends - Growing interest in unconventional beauty looks and gender-neutral makeup for both males and females
3. Youth Empowerment - Representation of young people expressing themselves in unique and unconventional ways
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Brands can create unique and edgy collections catering to customers seeking more unconventional fashion and beauty styles
2. Photography - Conceptual photographers can experiment with new themes and styles, and create avant-garde pieces that showcase diversity and self-expression
3. Youth Culture - Support for young people in their journey of self-discovery and exploration of unconventional lifestyles and identities

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