Fabulously Faux Wicks

The Glow in the Dark Candlestick by GAMAGO Makes for a Creative Nightlight

This retro-inspired decorative object form GAMAGO is crafted to resemble a vintage candlestick and really glows in the dark, making it a one-of-kind novelty item of home decor that is sure to have your house guests asking where you bought it.

The classic design of this contemporary sculptural piece is well tailored for any space, modern or traditional. And, being that it only costs $12.00, this model candlestick is the perfect alternative to all those tacky nightlight designs on the market. Providing a soft, dim glow of green, this plastic accessory gives off just the right amount of light to illuminate its surroundings without lighting up your entire space. And, because it doesn't need to be plugged in to work, you can carry it from room to room without ever having to flick a light switch, just like a real candlestick, but, with this one from GAMAGO, you wont need to worry about accidentally setting any fires either.
Trend Themes
1. Retro-inspired Decor - Opportunity for businesses to create decorative objects that resemble vintage items with a modern twist.
2. Glow-in-the-dark Decor - Innovation opportunity for businesses to incorporate glow-in-the-dark features in home decor, providing a unique and playful element.
3. Alternative Nightlight Designs - Opportunity for businesses to create affordable yet stylish and functional nightlights for consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor - Companies in the home decor industry can explore the creation of unique and affordable decorative objects that cater to modern aesthetic preferences.
2. Lighting - Opportunity for businesses in the lighting industry to create innovative and playful lighting solutions that offer a soft and dim glow for various purposes.
3. Novelty Items - Companies in the novelty item market can focus on creating affordable and practical products such as alternative nightlights for consumers looking for unique items to incorporate into their homes.

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