Inspired by a costume worn by Lady Gaga, a team of researchers at Duke University who recently discovered an entirely new genus of ferns, decided to name them it 'Gaga Germanotta' in honor of the international pop music star.
In total, 19 different species of ferns will bear the Gaga name. Researchers say that the heart-shaped Armani Primé outfit worn by Lady Gaga to the 2010 Grammies bears a striking resemblance to these ferns during their reproductive stage. The Gaga germanotta genus of fern is also known to exhibit bisexual characteristics during reproduction, although it's unclear if this information played a role in the research team's naming decision.
Recording sensation, fashion icon, and now, plant genus, one can only imagine where Lady Gaga will sprout up next.
Pop Star Plants
Researchers Name 'Gaga Germanotta' Genus of Ferns After Iconic Recording Artist
Trend Themes
1. Celebrity-inspired Naming - There is a trend of naming new plant or animal genus and species after popular celebrities or public figures.
2. Gender Identity in Botany - The discovery and recognition of bisexual or non-binary characteristics in plants are leading to a trend of gender identity discussions in botany and horticulture.
3. Pop Culture Cross-overs - Collisions between pop culture and science are becoming more commonplace, aiming to engage and excite young or diverse audiences about scientific discoveries or environmental issues.
Industry Implications
1. Biotech - Biotech firms could leverage the trend of celebrity-inspired naming, creating marketing opportunities for new product lines being named after famous people, fictional characters or places.
2. Fashion & Beauty - Beauty and fashion companies could ride on the gender identity trend to play up non-binary or androgynous personas for their plant-based products or campaigns.
3. Education & Entertainment - Educational apps, interactive exhibits, or entertainment content providers could capitalize on the pop culture cross-over trend, creating engaging and informative storytelling experiences that blend science and entertainment, targeting younger audiences or fandom groups.