This funny Christmas card by Near Modern Disaster Reads "Tis the Season for Warm Alcoholic Beverages." You don't have to tell me twice! Heat up the eggnog and pass over the Baileys, stat.
The holidays can be a trying time of year. Gift-giving and merry-making aside, Christmastime means visits from your weirdo relatives and extra stress on your credit card. It means frazzled, last-minute trips to the mall, where you spent forty minutes trying to find a parking spot, and not being able to fit in your favorite pair of pants until you begin your New Years fitness resolutions.
It's no wonder you could use a drink! Settle in with a spiked apple cider, hot toddy or Irish coffee and ease your way through the holiday crunch.
Boozy Christmas Cards
This Funny Christmas Card Suggests You Fix Yourself a Drink
Trend Themes
1. Funny Christmas Cards - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a line of humorous Christmas cards that incorporate popular trends or memes to appeal to younger generations.
2. Warm Alcoholic Beverages - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop new and innovative warm alcoholic beverage options, such as festive flavored hot chocolates or spiced mulled wines, to cater to the holiday season.
3. Stress Relief During the Holidays - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create products or services that help alleviate stress and promote relaxation during the holiday season, such as self-care gift boxes or holiday-themed meditation apps.
Industry Implications
1. Greeting Card Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate augmented reality or interactive elements into greeting cards to provide a more engaging and personalized experience for recipients.
2. Alcoholic Beverage Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Invest in the development of ready-to-drink warm alcoholic beverage options that are convenient and offer unique flavors, targeting the holiday market.
3. Wellness Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Utilize technology, such as wearable devices or smart home systems, to offer personalized stress relief solutions for individuals during the holiday season.