Gamified Yogurt Tube Campaigns

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The Frubes Freeze ‘Em Campaign Includes a New Online Game

The Frubes Freeze ‘Em campaign has undergone gamification thanks to a partnership with the Engage digital agency to provide consumers with a new new kind of digital experience.

The online game incorporates Frubes characters and requires players to work their way through an array of levels that have a whack-a-mole style format. Consumers who play the online game will also have the chance to win a variety of big prizes like a PlayStation 5 with a game. The new video game is expected to help great enhanced brand awareness and loyalty amongst consumers of all ages.

Senior Marketing Manager Vandu Patel spoke on the updates to the Frubes Freeze ‘Em campaign saying, "It’s brilliant to work with Engage once again. They’re a fantastic team of marketing experts who always deliver beautiful creative assets, unique and engaging strategies and seamless client services. After working with the agency across previous brands and seeing their creative pitch for the Freeze ‘Em campaign, we knew they’d deliver on another set of demanding KPIs."
Trend Themes
1. Gamified Marketing Campaigns - Gamification in marketing is being leveraged to boost consumer interaction and brand loyalty by providing engaging and interactive experiences.
2. Digital Engagement Strategies - Companies are increasingly using digital games and online interactions as strategies to create stronger consumer connections and improve brand awareness.
3. Reward-based Gaming - Brands are integrating reward systems within online games to entice participation and offer consumers tangible incentives, such as high-value prizes.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry is integrating digital gaming experiences to intersect entertainment with consumer products, enhancing market reach.
2. Digital Marketing - Digital marketing agencies are innovating with gamified content to provide brands with unique engagement tactics that captivate and retain audiences.
3. Consumer Electronics - The partnership of consumer electronics and promotional activities within gaming offers cross-industry collaboration opportunities and added value to promotions.

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