Free High-Tech Schools

Lambda School Offers Free Higher Education Until Graduates Get a Job

This institution for free higher education doesn't cost students anything until after they graduate and land a $50,000 salary in the tech industry. At that point, they pay a percentage of their income, but that is also capped at a maximum amount. Lambda School is half school and half investment fund that invests in student potential on a mission "to find untapped or under-utilized talent, and train that talent for the most in-demand jobs in the world."

The free higher education currently covers subjects including computer science and machine learning/artificial intelligence. In the near future they will also offer cryptocurrency, bioinformatics and AR/VR. The high-tech school is located in San Francisco but accessible to remote students anywhere (although the free tuition is only available to those legally allowed to work in the United States).

All photos are from Lambda School.
Trend Themes
1. Free Higher Education - Lambda School offers a disruptive innovation opportunity by providing free higher education and investing in student potential, changing traditional financial models.
2. Tech Education - Lambda School expands opportunities in tech education with various cutting-edge subjects, like bioinformatics and AR/VR.
3. Remote Learning - Lambda School makes remote learning accessible and cost-efficient, broadening educational boundaries.
Industry Implications
1. Education - Lambda School's business model disrupts traditional higher education by offering free and high-tech education, with investment in student success.
2. Tech - Lambda School's focus on tech education addresses the ever-growing demand for relevant and future-proof skills in the tech industry.
3. Finance - Lambda School's unique financing model provides an opportunity for disruptive innovation in how to fund education and invest in future talent.

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