Tot Airplane Hammocks

The FlyeBaby Provides a Comforting Bed for Traveling Infants

As annoyed as people may get when they see a mother and her soon-to-be crying baby enter the cabin of an airplane, they can't blame the infant for vocalizing the discomfort most people endure when on a flight; the FlyeBaby helps to alleviate that, for tots at least. While the FlyeBaby can't do anything about the dry air and bad food, it can provide a more comfortable perch. Shaped like a mini hammock, the FlyeBaby secures to the upright tray on one end and either side of the parent on the other via a five-point harness system.

An affordable, portable and practical product, the FlyeBaby ensures that babies are well looked after for their sake and the sake of the other passengers. The FlyeBaby follows FAA regulations.
Trend Themes
1. Infant Travel Comfort - The FlyeBaby presents an opportunity to disrupt the infant travel space by providing a comfortable alternative to traditional plane seats.
2. Adaptable Infant Products - The FlyeBaby represents a growing trend towards infant products that are lightweight and portable for consumers on-the-go.
3. Inclusive Travel - The FlyeBaby contributes towards a trend of making air travel more inclusive, particularly for families with young children.
Industry Implications
1. Travel and Tourism - The FlyeBaby could disrupt the airline industry by offering value to families who may not otherwise travel.
2. Baby Products - The FlyeBaby is part of a growing trend in the baby products industry towards lightweight, adaptable and portable products that cater to busy lifestyles.
3. Manufacturing - The FlyeBaby could present an opportunity for manufacturers to create innovative airline seating products that cater to the comfort of all passengers.

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