Devil Ray Swarms

Florian Schulz is Winner of the Environmental Photographer of the Year Awards

Gizmodo is right: at first (and second and third) glance, Florian Schulz's outstanding photo looks like a coral reef or something just as beautiful, but still typical. Instead, it is a swarm of Munkiana Devil Rays off the coast of Baja California Sur in Mexico.

The winner of the Environmental Photographer of the Year Awards, Florian Schulz tops the list of amazing photographers who entered this prestigious competition. To view the rest of the winners, check out the gallery above and then head to Telegraph to see more.
Trend Themes
1. Marine Biodiversity Conservation - There is a growing trend in promoting marine biodiversity through conservation efforts like protecting habitats and regulating fishing practices.
2. Nature Photography - Nature photography is a growing trend that provides new opportunities for photographers to showcase the beauty and fragility of our planet.
3. Eco-tourism - Eco-tourism is a trend in the travel industry that offers opportunities to experience nature while promoting sustainability and conservation efforts.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - The photography industry has the opportunity to elevate the conversation around important environmental issues through visually stunning and impactful images like the Environmental Photographer of the Year Awards.
2. Conservation Organizations - Conservation organizations have the opportunity to leverage technology and new media to increase awareness and support for marine biodiversity conservation initiatives.
3. Travel and Tourism - The travel and tourism industry has the opportunity to expand eco-tourism offerings that promote conservation efforts and provide unique experiences for travelers seeking adventure and sustainability.

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