Aquatic Pet Basins

The Fishbowl Sink Creates Environmentally Friendly Washing Stations

In hopes to systematically conserve water usage, Yan Lu constructed a modern style sink with an integrated fish bowl, which actually includes a live fish. The Fishbowl Sink concept is an actual sink where water would drain from the bowl itself and refills every time the tap is closed.

The Fishbowl Sink has the environment in mind; therefore, wash your hands quickly and efficiently, so your bathroom friend can live a happy life.

Implications - The eco movement has captured the hearts of consumers and as such, products and services that have the ability to aid consumers in their quest to be green or remind them of their environmental agenda will be fruitful.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Plumbing Solutions - Innovative plumbing solutions such as the Fishbowl Sink that promote water conservation and sustainability are in high demand.
2. Integrated Functional Design - Designing household products with dual functions, such as the Fishbowl Sink, is a growing trend in modern home design.
3. Biophilic Home Design - The Fishbowl Sink's integration of live fish into a functional household item is an example of how homeowners are incorporating nature into their homes for health and wellness benefits.
Industry Implications
1. Plumbing and Water Conservation - Plumbing companies that offer eco-friendly and innovative solutions like the Fishbowl Sink have the potential to disrupt the plumbing industry and gain a competitive edge.
2. Home Design and Decor - Companies in the home design and decor industry can capitalize on the growing trend of integrated functional design and biophilic home design.
3. Pet and Aquarium Supplies - The Fishbowl Sink's incorporation of live fish into a household item opens up opportunities for the pet and aquarium supplies industry to create similar products for eco-conscious and design-savvy consumers.

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