Adorable Canine Romance Parodies

The 'First Sniff' Parody Video Skips the Kibbles and Bits

Since it's March 10th release, Tatia Pilieva's 'First Kiss' video has melted the frosty hearts of too-cool-for-school teens everywhere, quickly becoming hipster blog fodder in the tumblr-verse. Capitalizing on its success, Mother London has created an equally as adorable, and slightly more hilarious parody. Rather than starring unconventionally good-looking strangers, this video sees adorable canines navigating the awkwardness of the first sniff.

If you've ever been to a dog park, you're probably already aware that our four-legged friends move a little quicker than we do in the romance department. Indeed, delicate nose-bumps and face-licks quickly give way to exploratory butt-sniffing and casual leg humping.

I'm not sure if it's the black-and-white cinematic production, the emotional ballad that serves as a soundtrack or the soulful puppy dog eyes, but I'm definitely a fan of the First Sniff video.
Trend Themes
1. Canine Parody Videos - Creating parodies of viral videos but featuring dogs in them.
2. Emotional Animal Videos - Creating emotional viral videos that feature animals.
3. Pet Video Production - Producing videos that feature pets in order to engage viewers emotionally.
Industry Implications
1. Pet Industry - This video could provide marketing opportunities for companies selling pet products.
2. Entertainment Industry - This video could inspire content creators to produce more viral videos featuring animals.
3. Advertising Industry - This video could inspire advertising agencies to incorporate pets into their campaigns in order to connect emotionally with viewers.

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