As if overweight people don’t already feel self-conscious enough about their size, now special fat seats have been installed for them on Brazilian subways.
Labeled "priority seating for obese people," the vibrant blue seats are almost twice as wide as normal chairs and can support passengers weighing up to 550lbs.
It comes as no surprise that the seats are being ignored by obese passengers, with Metro bosses in Sao Paulo admitting that overweight people are probably too ashamed to use them.
Super-Sized Fat Seats
Shameful Seating for the Obese Installed on Brazilian Subway
Trend Themes
1. Increase in Obesity - The installation of fat seats in the Brazilian subway indicates a trend of growing obesity rates requiring new seating solutions with wider and more durable seats.
2. Inclusivity in Public Transport - The introduction of fat seats highlights the trend of making public transport more inclusive for all passengers, regardless of their body size or shape.
3. Stigma Reduction - The implementation of fat seats in the Brazilian subway represents a trend towards reducing the stigma and discrimination faced by people who are overweight or obese.
Industry Implications
1. Transportation - The installation of fat seats in the Brazilian subway presents an opportunity for the transportation industry to design new seating arrangements to accommodate passengers of all sizes, shapes, and mobility levels.
2. Furniture - The creation of durable and comfortable fat seats required in the public transportation systems could offer a disruptive innovation opportunity through the development of a new product line for furniture companies.
3. Health and Wellness - The emergence of fat seats in the Brazilian subway demonstrates the health and wellness industry's expanding market to meet the needs of an increasing number of overweight and obese individuals and develop solutions that cater to their specific needs.