The News in Thumbnails

'Fascinum' Online Live Art

The Fascinum is an example of online art which is live.

The site gives a live update of the news photographs which are most viewed (ranked from 1 to 10) on different national Yahoo portals, in real time. Designed by Christophe Bruno, the Fascinum gives a thumbnail view to what is happening around the world in a format that makes it identifiable as art.

Implications - Making news more approachable than when it's presented as a form of harsh information, this art piece is like the fun way to consume all of those world issues.
Trend Themes
1. Live Online Art - The 'Fascinum' online live art is an example of how art can be experienced in real time through online platforms.
2. Thumbnails for News - The use of thumbnails to present news photographs provides a visually engaging and approachable format for consuming news.
3. Art as Information - The Fascinum blurs the line between art and information, presenting news in a format that is both aesthetically pleasing and informative.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - The art and design industry can explore new innovative ways to incorporate technology and real-time experiences into their work.
2. Media and Journalism - The media and journalism industry can leverage the use of visual and engaging formats like thumbnails to enhance news consumption and attract a wider audience.
3. Digital Technology - The use of live updates and online platforms in the Fascinum highlights the potential for innovation in the digital technology industry, especially in the realm of interactive art experiences.

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