Live Action Video Games

Ubisoft Sought Out Influential YouTubers to Experience the Far Cry 4 Game

Wanting to promote the launch of the Far Cry 4 game in Spain in a way that would go viral, Ubisoft sought out six of the most influential YouTubers in the country for an unforgettable experience.

When invited for the once-in-a-lifetime experience, the YouTubers naturally thought that they would be getting a chance to try the game out on a console. Little did they know, they would be living out adventures from the game in real life, from climbing and riding to doing rope walks at high heights.

By putting these influential YouTubers in the shoes of the main characters of this video game, they were able to simulate all the action that is jam-packed into the gameplay. As a result, sales of the Far Cry 4 video game skyrocketed.
Trend Themes
1. Immersive Experiences - Creating real-life adventures based on video games to engage influencers and generate viral content opportunities.
2. Influencer Marketing - Leveraging the influence of popular YouTubers to promote and drive sales for video games through unique experiences.
3. Viral Marketing Campaigns - Designing memorable and shareable experiences that generate buzz and increase brand awareness for video game launches.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming - Opportunity for game developers and publishers to create immersive experiences that bridge the gap between virtual and real-world interactions.
2. Entertainment - Potential for entertainment companies to collaborate with influencers and incorporate real-life experiences to promote their products or content.
3. Digital Marketing - Opportunity for marketers to leverage influencer partnerships and viral marketing tactics to drive product sales and brand engagement.

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