Anti-Aging Mouthpieces

The Face Upper Clenches the Jaw to Reverse Sagging Skin

The Face Upper is an anti-aging mouthpiece that helps reduce the signs of wrinkles and sagging skin around your cheeks.

The Face Upper is like a cross between a retainer and a mouth guard. Simply insert for the recommended three minutes per day and apply pressure. This will gradually make your mouth and cheeks "appear more youthful, tighter and healthier," according to the site. When most people wash and moisturize their face, they aren't aware that in order to prevent or slow your skin down from drooping, you should always massage your skin upwards and towards the hairline. The Face Upper helps to reverse the sagging with the daily act of jaw clenching, which can help tighten the muscles and skin in that area. Or course, that should also be partnered with the face massaging techniques as well.
Trend Themes
1. Anti-aging Mouthpieces - The trend of anti-aging mouthpieces designed to reduce the signs of wrinkles and sagging skin provides an opportunity for innovative products in the health and beauty industry.
2. Facial Fitness Devices - The trend of facial fitness devices offering non-invasive ways to achieve younger-looking skin provides an opportunity for innovative products in the beauty and wellness industry.
3. Anti-aging Wearables - The trend of anti-aging wearables such as The Face Upper provides an opportunity for innovative products that combine technology and skincare in the health and beauty industry.
Industry Implications
1. Health and Beauty Industry - The health and beauty industry can leverage the trend of facial fitness devices and anti-aging mouthpieces to develop new products and services that meet the growing demand for non-invasive anti-aging solutions.
2. Wellness Industry - The wellness industry can explore the trend of anti-aging wearables and facial fitness devices to offer new health and beauty products and services that focus on self-care and holistic well-being.
3. Technology Industry - The technology industry can capitalize on the trend of anti-aging wearables to develop innovative products and solutions that merge technology and skincare, extending the reach of advanced skincare solutions into consumers' daily routines.

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