Estate Information Storage

Estate Planning Platform AfterVault Delivers Sensitive Information

This estate planning platform focuses on the storage and automatic delivery of information upon your death. AfterVault is a startup that ensures the friends, family and loved ones you leave behind receive all the important information they require to handle your affairs once you have passed on.

Users fill their private, cloud-based 'vault' with uploaded documents and other saved information. The estate planning platform checks in on you by sending you alerts or 'pings' with email protocol and text messages. If you don't respond to the pings, your vault will become accessible by your appointed guardian. Other AfterVault features include daily monitoring, world-class security, safe delivery and vital information storage.

AfterVault is currently in beta mode.
Trend Themes
1. Automatic Delivery - AfterVault's automatic delivery feature could be implemented in other industries to streamline and automate important processes.
2. Cloud-based Storage - Similar cloud-based storage platforms could be applied in other industries to securely store and manage sensitive information.
3. Daily Monitoring - Daily monitoring of important documents and personal information could also be applied in healthcare and financial industries for added security.
Industry Implications
1. Estate Planning - AfterVault is disrupting the traditional estate planning industry with its innovative automatic delivery and cloud-based storage features.
2. Financial Services - AfterVault's security and daily monitoring features could be applied to financial services such as wealth management and banking for added protection.
3. Healthcare - Daily monitoring and automatic delivery of medical records could be applied in the healthcare industry to ensure timely and accurate delivery of crucial information.

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