Erotic Toys of the Future

The Sabar

Designer Michael Young put a touch of the futuristic in these banana/cucumber shaped vibrator and the result is a very sleek gadget. The Sabar, as the erotic gizmo is called, seems to act as most vibrators or so they tell me. The controls consist of pretty-straight forward and simple plus or minus depending on the level of arousal desired. What sets the Sabar apart is clearly the chic, uber hip design that seems to have been taken out of a Star Trek-Deep Space Nine episode. No pun intended.
Trend Themes
1. Sleek Erotic Tech - New, stylish designs for adult toys that integrate advanced technology.
2. Futuristic Arousal Devices - Innovative, science fiction-inspired vibrators that push the boundaries of traditional intimate products.
3. Designer Sexual Wellness - Elevated, high-end creations that blend fashion and luxury with sexual wellness products.
Industry Implications
1. Adult Toy Manufacturing - Companies specializing in designing and creating innovative, high-end sex toys.
2. Luxury Fashion - Fashion houses exploring the intersection of style and sexual wellness.
3. Technology Development - Tech companies expanding into the erotic market, creating the next generation of adult products.

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